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If only miners were on a social media app, would you use it?

As new social media app for miners, Torqn, prepares for launch, miners discuss whether this might be something worth giving a go.

So, do you think you’d ever lend a hand to a mate who does the same job as you if he asks you for your advice? How about someone in your trade who you don’t know so well?

Depends on what they’re asking.

How about if it only takes a second because you kind of know the answer?

Now, what if others could see what you’d suggested?

The launch of the new social media app for miners, Torqn, is an easy way for miners to ask each other questions about problems with mining equipment and spitball solutions to help each other out.

Here we talk to two miners who have tried out the new app. Daniel, an engineer from Appin mine in Macarthur, and Keith, a diesel mechanic from Denrobium Mine in Mt Kembla, tell us about why they reckon they might help and not worry what others think.

People chime in all the time on other forums and don’t cop it

‘I’m on a Facebook group for electricians and people are pretty good to jump in,’ said Daniel. ‘Others then kind of add to the ideas. It’s not a competition. People are just there to help each other out.’

“Torqn is just like that but much easier to use. There’s heaps more people who are doing your exact job so you’re not wasting time dealing with idiots who are just trying to get rise out of you.

It’s about time trades look after themselves and not have to rely on management for help

‘When I started out, I had to look out for myself and do things the hard way before I knew my way around,’ said Keith.

‘A bit of extra help, especially for the younger ones getting a start, wouldn’t go astray.

‘It’s hard to find a good mentor you can trust. Everyone’s busy and there’s no programs anymore for that sort of thing.

‘I reckon it’d be different though if more than just one person can get the benefit of your ideas and you can see you’re helping out people who were just like you once.’

It’d be nice to not just hear about it only when things go wrong

‘When you do your job right, you’ll never hear about it. You just get the job done,’ said Keith.

‘If you've been there and done that though and do know a few things, I reckon it’s worth sharing. You don’t have to get a big head about it. If someone gets the benefit of that and they want to say thank you because they don’t have to get in the shit, then that’d be a nice change, I suppose.'

Keith and Daniel were part of the Torqn testing ground for what miners need.

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